Our Martial Arts Classes for beginners are expertly crafted to build resilience, confidence and refine the social skills of all students who undertake the program.
Students begin at White Belt and work their way through coloured Belt ranks on their journey to Black Belt and Beyond.

Story Martial Arts Students are challenged in class to overcome obstacles and build the habit of hard work.
Better Grades
With increased focus comes increased performance in the classroom. Martial Arts Classes at Story build 'classroom confidence' in students of all ages.

Real Life Independence
Martial Arts Classes at Story Martial Arts improve a students ability to think and problem solve. This leads to more independent choices and behaviour over the long term.
Social Skills
By training with a diverse community our students build important social skills that will benefit them outside of the training hall and in their future.

The Story Experience
Story Martial Arts puts the Student Experience above all else.
Thats what makes us so different. This isn't about us, it's about you. It's about how far you can go, what you can achieve, what you can become training with us.
We offer a clean, professional and friendly environment. At the end of every session you will feel revitalised, knowing you worked hard and will reap the rewards.